
Yes, it really starts this early

A few days ago, my kindergartner came up to me and, as usual, relayed the happenings of her day. I patiently listened to her stories as I prepared dinner, until she started to tell one that demanded more immediate attention. “Mommy,” she said, “Kayla told Emma today that she is ugly, but Rachel and I told Emma she is beautiful and that we needed to have a talk with Kayla.” “Wow,” I thought to myself. “Does it really start this early?”

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Eva Khurshid – New York

Nyla Hashmi and Fatima Monkush struggled to find contemporary fashion that was modest until they developed their own brand of women's clothing with Eva Khurshid. But the design, religious, and economic challenges mean the two have to work twice as hard to get noticed.

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According to Allah’s rules and laws women and men are equal with different duties and responsibilities in society. I believe that western feminists have the wrong notion of what “equal rights” between men and women truly mean.

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