With all the stories on the Internet it can be difficult to always stay in the know. To help, we’ve searched the web for interesting pieces of news, videos and tips to help you start off your week on the right foot.
1. Rocking Stereotypes in Niqab
[tweetthis]She wears the niqab, plays heavy metal and doesn’t care what anyone thinks.[/tweetthis]
2. French Mayors Are Still Cracking Down On The Burkini After A Court Said The Ban Was Illegal

Stringer / Reuters
Mayors in the French riviera, this weekend, defied France’s top administrative court by continuing to enforce the burkini swimsuit ban on Muslim women that the court ruled to be illegal in other beach towns.
According to Agence France-Presse, local authorities in Nice announced that they would “continue to fine” women wearing the burkini.
After the Friday ruling, paper notices taped on boards – which had been removed earlier in the week – were put up again warning beachgoers of the ban on “beachwear which ostentatiously displays religious affiliation.”
[tweetthis]Authorities in Nice continue to enforce burkini ban even after a court rules it illegal.[/tweetthis]
3. Stuck in Gaza
4. Police Forces in 2 Countries Embrace the Hijab

INS News Group
Police forces in Canada and Scotland have decided to embrace the hijab, allowing it to become part of their official uniform. According to the Independent, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police will now allow female officers to wear the hijab in an effort to encourage diversity among the Mounties. In Scotland women were perviously allowed to wear the hijab only if they had received approval from senior officers. Now with it as an official part of the uniform, that is no longer that case.
“Like many other employers, especially in the public sector, we are working towards ensuring our service is representative of the communities we serve,” Scottish Chief Constable Phil Gormley said in a statement. In Canada, officials noted that the hijab was already allowed by police in Toronto, as well as in Sweden, Norway and London, which all added the hijab to their uniform in 2001.
[tweetthis]Canada and Scotland welcome the hijab as part of their official police uniform.[/tweetthis]
5. A Guide For White People On The #BurkiniBan And Discussing Muslim Women

“Aren’t you pretty? Unveil yourself!” Algeria (1950s)
Feministing writer Mahroh Jahangiri writes that while she’s glad white women are finally noticing French Islamophobia thanks to the Burkini Ban, they are ” just noticing the tip of the iceberg.” She goes on to explain how colonial France is a huge indicator that this kind of policing is not new and is just another example of “the tried and trusted cycle of white people policing Muslim women’s clothing.”
She also lists seven pointers that she describes as embarking on “your journey of fighting state misogyny—now alongside other state violence (such as Islamophobia, racism, war, *and* imperialism!), I’ll close with a few pointers on how you can do even better … ”
[tweetthis]altM’s weekly roundup of news[/tweetthis]
This list was curated by Kaitlin Montgomery, altM News Editor
Four out of five of these stories relate to hijab! Surely there’s other news out there?!