With all the stories on the Internet it can be difficult to always stay in the know. To help, we’ve searched the web for interesting pieces of news, videos and tips to help you start off your week on the right foot.
1. ‘First They Came’: The Poem of the Protests

Activists gather outside the Trump International Hotel to protest President Donald Trump’s executive actions on immigration in Washington on January 29, 2017.
Photo / Aaron P. Bernstein / Reuters
The Atlantic’s Megan Garber writes, “On Saturday, and again on Sunday, as crowds gathered to protest President Donald Trump’s executive order restricting immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries, signs once again served as speech. Some of the most common read ‘NO BAN, NO WALL.’ Some insisted that ‘IMMIGRANTS MAKE AMERICA GREAT.’ Some noted that ‘JESUS WAS A REFUGEE.’
Many others, however, quoted the words of a familiar poem—an idea coined by the Lutheran pastor and theologian, Martin Niemöller, in the years following World War II. ‘FIRST THEY CAME FOR THE MUSLIMS,’ the signs start. They add a new ending to the well-worn lines: ‘AND WE SAID ‘NOT TODAY.'”
2. Hundreds of lawyers descend on airports to offer free help after Trump’s executive order

Lawyers gather Sunday at Washington Dulles International Airport to discuss how to gain access to a detainee held under a travel ban imposed by President Trump’s executive order. Photo / Mike Theiler / Reuters
The Washington Posts’ Elsie Viebeck and Michael Laris write, “Hundreds of attorneys descended on U.S. airports all over the country this weekend to offer free legal help to the travelers and family members of loved ones detained under President Trump’s executive order.
By Saturday afternoon, arrival terminals in airports from Dulles, Va. to Chicago to San Francisco were being turned into makeshift hubs for legal aid. Lawyers assembled conference-style tables in restaurants and gathered around electrical outlets with their laptops awaiting work. Some held signs near arrivals gates introducing themselves to families in need.
‘The last 48 hours have been really full of chaos, the sense of the federal government completely deciding not to comply with the Constitution, and on top of that, not providing guidance to the field,’ said Marielena Hincapie, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center. ‘We continue to hear disturbing reports of people being detained or about to be deported despite the order … This is an all-hands-on-deck moment.'”
3. Trudeau says Canada will take refugees banned by U.S.

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks to the media at the end of a two-day cabinet retreat in Calgary, Alberta, Canada January 24, 2017. Photo / Chris Bolin / Reuters
PBS and the Associated Presses’ Rob Gillies writes, “Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a message for refugees rejected by U.S. President Donald Trump: Canada will take you.
He also intends to talk to Trump about the success of Canada’s refugee policy.
Trudeau reacted to Trump’s ban of Muslims from certain countries by tweeting Saturday: ‘To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada.'”
4. Short Film: FOBA Allow Hijab
“Bilqis Abdul-Qaadir is featured in UNINTERRUPTED’s latest short film urging FIBA to allow hijab.”
5. Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ won’t help security, but it will marginalize Muslims

Screenshot / Vox
Vox’s Matteen Mokalla writes, “While Trump’s proposal might be cheered among his base, critiques of the executive order have been plentiful.
According to data collected by Alex Nowrasteh of the Cato Institute, between 1975 and 2015 there have been zero American deaths on US soil at the hands of foreign terrorists from the seven Muslim countries listed in the leaked draft executive order.
In fact, deaths at the hands of foreign nationals on US soil are exceedingly rare. As my colleague Zack Beauchamp writes:
‘Virtually all the deaths from immigrant attacks (98.6 percent) came from one event: 9/11. Other than that, fatal immigrant-linked terrorist attacks in the US were vanishingly rare. The average likelihood of an American being killed in a terrorist attack in which an immigrant participated in any given year is one in 3.6 million —even including the 9/11 deaths.'”
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This list was curated by Kaitlin Montgomery, altM News Editor