With all the stories on the Internet it can be difficult to always stay in the know. To help, we’ve searched the web for interesting pieces of news, videos and tips to help you start off your week on the right foot.
1. 32 seriously gorgeous brides wearing hijab on their wedding day

Attribution: @salixat_kasumova
The Tempest’s CEO and founder Laila Alawa compiles a list of 32 stunning brides on their wedding day.
2. ‘Do not say mean things’: Kids are writing to Donald Trump, asking him to be a kind president

Courtesy “Dear President Trump: Letters from Kids About Kindness”/Facebook
The Washington Post’s Amy B Wang writes about Molly Spence Sahebjami, a Seattle mother who started a Facebook group called “Dear President Trump: Letters from Kids About Kindness” in an effort to teach her child and others about the positives in the election.
“The idea? To have children write letters to President-elect Donald Trump ‘about the importance of being kind to other people, even if they’re different than you are,’ according to a description on the group’s Facebook page,” Wang writes.
“Children ‘don’t know anything about the issues, like manufacturing jobs,’ she [Sahebjami] said in a phone interview with The Washington Post. ‘But they know — at least where I live, it’s really prevalent [for kids] to say, ‘Oh, he’s the mean one.’
The idea started with her own son, a kindergarten student who said he was concerned about things Trump had said about Muslims, because the family has relatives of Iranian descent,” Wang writes.
3. A Trump Voter And Facebook Insulter Talk It Out — In Person

Jamie Ruppert (R) was featured in an NPR story about Obama voters who supported Donald Trump in last year’s presidential election. Amy Whitenight (L) labeled Ruppert an “idiot” in a comment on NPR’s Facebook page. They recently met in person to talk about their political differences.
Jeff Brady/NPR
NPR’s national desk correspondent Jeff Brady writes, “it’s not often you get a chance to come face-to-face with that person who made a nasty comment about you on Facebook. But one interviewee from our Kitchen Table Seriesgot a chance to do that.
Jamie Ruppert of White Haven, Pa. was featured in a story that aired in January.
She’s a swing voter and like much of Luzerne County, where she lives, Ruppert switched from voting Democratic in the past to casting her ballot for Trump in 2016.
When the story was posted on NPR’s Facebook page it received more than 6000 comments. The underlying theme from Rupper’s critics was that she had been duped into voting from Trump.
We reached out to 10 people on Facebook who posted nasty comments directed at Ruppert. Only two responded. One of them happens to live in the next county over from Ruppert.”
5. Two years after slayings, these Muslims show hate cannot overpower love

Participants pause to pray outside the the Light House, a new community center and incubator for faith-based social entrepreneurship in Raleigh, N.C.. The Light House is dedicated in memory of the three Muslims murdered in Chapel Hill, N.C. two years ago. RNS photo by Yonat Shimron
Religion News Services’ Yonat Shimron writes, “wrapped around the porch molding of a blue clapboard house in this capital city is a saying inscribed on thin sheets of red oak:
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that. — Martin Luther King Jr.”
The saying is a fitting tribute to three young Muslims whose lives were cut short by a Chapel Hill gunman two years ago Friday (Feb. 10), and it graces the Light House Project, a new community center and incubator for faith-based social entrepreneurship dedicated in their memory last week.”
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This list was curated by Kaitlin Montgomery, altM News Editor