
Where There is Ruin, Treasure Awaits

We live in a time when good days are hard to find. Each morning, it appears as if the world fell apart a little more overnight.  The Rohingya genocide looms. Yemeni children continue to starve. And American democracy dangles on the slender threads of Presidential tweets. Then, there are stories…

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Dec. 19: How do children face gender issues?

With all the stories on the Internet it can be difficult to always stay in the know. To help, we’ve searched the web for interesting pieces of news, videos and tips to help you start off your week on the right foot. 1. With Rouge One, the Star Wars Franchise Gets Even…

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Episode 6 Teaser: Muslims In Love

On this episode, Ikhlas and Makkah speak to a few folks in different stages of their romantic journeys about relationships, marriage, and “Black Love,” that alluring concept that Barack and Michelle have us all craving. Tune in for this conversation about love: how to find it, how to keep it,…

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